Photo of Refugee Women-Led Organizations on the Frontline of Addressing GBV – Key Actions for the Global Refugee Forum


InterAction has published and collected resources including tools, reports, project evaluations, blogposts, and others from Members and partners that promote results-based approaches to protection since 2012; all of which can be found in this resource library. To explore practical case examples of RBP in practice, visit the case example page. Background photo By: Simon Moricz Sabjan is licensed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license.

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5070 Protection for People: What Do We Mean? Guidance for Senior Leadership

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  • InterAction’s Framework for Protection Risk Analysis

    Earlier this year, InterAction’s Protection team began a process of redesigning its reference handouts and how it presents material to the public. In collaboration with a design team, they were able to produce an updated visual representation of the Framework for Protection Risk Analysis. The handout provides all the necessary information, and its enhanced design and explicative graphics make it easy to follow.

  • 2022 Annual RBP Briefing Paper – Climate Change and Protection: Designing Multi-Disciplinary Pathways to Reinforce Protection and Climate Change Outcomes

    The 2022 Annual RBP Briefing Paper, using a results-based approach to protection, aims to begin to identify ways that humanitarians must work to understand the links between protection risks and the impacts of climate change in settings of armed conflict. Beginning with the perspective that reducing protection risk is a priority for the humanitarian community, we ask the questions: how does climate change impact that objective? What further considerations should we make in our protection analysis and strategies that incorporate context-specific and global climate change manifestations? What kind of collaboration do we need to address these issues effectively? And in the specific context of armed conflict, how must the behavior of armed actors be addressed?

    Published: 2023
  • Building Trust Through Participation

    What is needed to move beyond consulting and listening to people affected by crises to ensure their representation and influence in decision-making forums? Learn from the International Association of Professionals in Humanitarian Assistance and Protection (PHAP) as it explores how we can collectively build greater trust in our responses through genuine participation in decision-making processes.

  • Action Against Hunger: Integrating Protection

    As the humanitarian community recognizes the importance of the Centrality of Protection, there are emerging efforts underway by organizations seeking to better implement programs to achieve protection outcomes. Recently, Action Against Hunger implemented a new program, Protection Integration in Nutrition Security (PiiS), in order to foster an integrated approach to their programming, with a focus on both protection and nutrition. The program strives to increase communication between the protection and nutrition sectors, as well as provide a set of tools and resources for integrating protection into the nutrition work stream.

    Published: 2022
  • Measuring and Monitoring Adaptive Learning: A Landscape Review

    The monitoring and evaluation of adaptive learning is an emergent field. Although there is a growing body of literature on adaptive programming more generally, there is a limited knowledge base on the monitoring and evaluation of adaptive learning interventions and their impacts. Unlike other implementation strategies or program management approaches, there are no standard metrics or monitoring and evaluation frameworks to track the integration, implementation, and effectiveness of adaptive learning in health programming. As a result, USAID has released a landscape review on measuring and monitoring adaptive learning.

    Published: 2022
  • The Logic of Protection Approaches: Four Models to Safeguard Civilians from Harm

    In June 2022, the Global Public Policy Institute published a report, “The Logic of Protection Approaches: Four Models to Safeguard Civilians from Harm,” which examined the treatment of civilians by armed actors. The report provides four protection-based approaches to influence how armed actors interact with civilians and the community. Each section is broken down to explain the logic behind the approach, the impact it can have on the armed actors’ behaviors, and how the approach can backfire. The four approaches discussed are (1) “naming and shaming” armed actors (2) mobilizing influencers (3) capacitating communities and (4) training armed actors.

    Published: 2022
  • The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action: Quality Assessment Framework

    The Quality Assessment Framework (QAF) (field testing version) is a tool developed to enable Child Protection actors to meet the quality and monitoring requirements of operating a case management system in humanitarian contexts. Quality assessments help ensure case management activities are carried out following agreed upon processes and result in quality outputs and outcomes. The framework focuses on HOW the activity is implement, rather than WHAT activities should be done to achieve a specific result.

    Published: 2022


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Photo By: Toms George is licensed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license.