Outcome-Oriented Methods

Communicating with Communities

On January 26th, 2015, the Results-Based Protection Program held a webinar and launched a discussion forum on Communicating with Communities: Analyzing the role of information and the flow of communication with affected populations to address protection outcomes.

Supporting the Field – Results-Based Protection in Colombia

In April 2016, InterAction visited Colombia to identify and document the key elements of results-based protection in practice. The visit led to key recommendations for actors in Colombia to strengthen the prevention and response to the use and recruitment of children by armed groups.

Webinar: What is Results-Based Protection?

To complement and contextualize the launch of the Results-Based Protection video, InterAction also hosted a webinar discussion with RBP Steering Group members and practitioners to unpack what RBP is, how it diverges from standard approaches, and what the practical application looks like in humanitarian practice.

Event/ Webinar: Resisting War: How Communities Protect Themselves

n October 2, the U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP) convened a panel discussion on the new research within Oliver Kaplan’s book, Resisting War, exploring how communities use cohesion and social structures to non-violently influence armed groups. It explores how organization of civilians can implement nonviolent strategies to pressure government troops, or paramilitary or insurgent fighters to limit violence, through cases from Colombia, with extensions to Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, and the Philippines, Kaplan’s research shows in some cases, where communities are more organized, there is a 25% regression in violence.

Event/ Webinar: Contested Evidence: The challenges and limitations of evidence-based approaches in humanitarian action

As part of Humanitarian Evidence Week, PHAP convened an online panel discussion with evaluators and practitioners speaking to evidence-based approaches in humanitarian action.

Webinar: Principles-Focused Evaluation – Featuring Mark Cabaj and Michael Quinn Patton

On January 23rd, the Tamarack Institute held a conversation with Michael Quinn Patton exploring his latest book – Principles-Focused Evaluation: The GUIDE, released in November 2017. The webinar explored the principles-focused evaluation (P-FE) approach and its relevance and application in a range of settings.

Webinar: Nigeria turns purple! Innovative approaches to creating and measuring social norms change: experience from V4C in Nigeria

This webinar explored the social norms marketing approach used by the Voices for Change initiative to inspire young people’s attitudinal and behavior change towards women’s role in household decision-making, women’s leadership, and violence against women and girls in Nigeria. The Voices for Change team shared insights around the design of the approach and the monitoring and evaluation system developed to track the audience response to the mass-media communications, changes in attitudes and behaviors throughout the period of implementation, and how the change happened.

GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE PREVENTION: A Results-Based Evaluation Framework

The GBV PEF is a set of guiding approaches aimed at helping practitioners make better decisions in their analysis, program design, and measurement such that GBV prevention outcomes can ultimately be evaluated. It has been built on the foundation of the Results-Based Protection framework developed by InterAction and endorsed by a broad set of humanitarian actors, including international non-governmental organizations, ICRC, and international organizations.

Webinar: Iterative and Adaptive Humanitarian Action: A Discussion with ALNAP and Practitioners

Building on ALNAP’s work on evaluating humanitarian innovation and emerging research on adaptive humanitarian action, this webinar aimed to: explore why adaptive management is important for humanitarian actors; examine supportive conditions and the challenges actors face in trying to adapt in complex and dynamic crises; and identify outcome-oriented methods and ways of working that support continuous reflection and using information gathered to inform more responsive interventions.
