Podcast: From the Inside Out, A New Podcast Series from USAID Learning Lab

Date Published: May 2, 2018 Author: USAID Learning Lab
Photo of Podcast: From the Inside Out, A New Podcast Series from USAID Learning Lab

In previous RBP Updates,  we have examined how collaborating, learning, and adapting (CLA) can help translate a results-based orientation into practice through iterative reflection, learning, and relationship-building. (See here, here, and here for previous examples.) By improving our ability to learn, we can adapt our programming to be more responsive to the needs and realities of people at risk and ensure our work leads to the protection outcomes.

The USAID Learning Lab is taking the conversation on CLA further with a new podcast series — From the Inside Out: Achieving Better Development Outcomes through Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting. This series is designed to empower staff and partners with evidence, resources, and tips to help practitioners build upon their CLA savviness and incorporate good CLA practice into their work.

Core themes to include: how to build an adaptive team, create a learning culture, collaborate strategically, use the data you collect, and pause and reflect along the way – touching on all of the key elements of results-based protection.

New episodes will be released every Tuesday in May on Tuesdays for five weeks, so subscribe to the USAID Learning Lab podcast wherever you listen to podcasts (iTunesStitcherPocketCasts) and tune in.

  • May 1 – Go Beyond Technical Skills: How to build an adaptive team
  • May 8 – Stay Curious, Together: How to create a learning culture
  • May 15 – Meet Strategically: How to collaborate, but not too much
  • May 22 – Stay in the Loop: How to use your data
  • May 29 – Stop to Think: Why it pays to pause and reflect

Visit Learning Lab for more information.



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