Tools and Trainings

Primary Prevention Framework: For Child Protection in Humanitarian

In January 2022, the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (ACPHA) and USAID published a Primary Prevention Framework for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action. The guiding principles of the framework echo many of the principles of Results-Based Protection, including the focus on prevention as well as the importance of context-specific protection risk analysis.

Tool: A Design Experiment: Imagining Alternative Humanitarian Action

Building on the Humanitarian Policy Group’s (HPG) work on remaking humanitarian action for the modern era, HPG, along with their partner ThinkPlace, initiated a design thinking experiment to capture ideas and discussions of major stakeholders to reimagine humanitarian action.

ICRC-Led Initiative on Humanitarian Negotiations

The ICRC is leading an initiative to enhance informal exchanges and peer coaching among humanitarian professionals engaged in negotiations and mediations in situations of armed conflict and other situations of violence.

Training Pack: Responsible Data Management

While much focus is being placed on international laws, policies, and standards of data protection and data security, policy alone is not enough. This training pack recognizes the need to practice responsible data management (RDM), and in many cases, change our organizational culture, individual attitudes, and behavior as to how we handle data.

Online Training: Communication is Aid

This free online learning course aims to raise awareness about the key components of effective communication with crisis-affected communities, and to build knowledge and skills on how to communicate in practice.

GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE PREVENTION: A Results-Based Evaluation Framework

The GBV PEF is a set of guiding approaches aimed at helping practitioners make better decisions in their analysis, program design, and measurement such that GBV prevention outcomes can ultimately be evaluated. It has been built on the foundation of the Results-Based Protection framework developed by InterAction and endorsed by a broad set of humanitarian actors, including international non-governmental organizations, ICRC, and international organizations.
