Outcome-Oriented Methods

Forced Migration Review Issue 53: Local communities: first and last providers of protection

In this issue of FMR, authors from around the world – including authors who are themselves displaced – explore the capacity of communities to organize themselves before, during, and after displacement in ways that help protect the community.

Bottom-up approaches to strengthening child protection systems: Placing children, families, and communities at the center

This article examines an alternative approach of community-driven, bottom-up work that enables
nonformal–formal collaboration and alignment, greater use of formal services, internally driven social change, and high levels of community ownership.

ICRC-Led Initiative on Humanitarian Negotiations

The ICRC is leading an initiative to enhance informal exchanges and peer coaching among humanitarian professionals engaged in negotiations and mediations in situations of armed conflict and other situations of violence.

Training Pack: Responsible Data Management

While much focus is being placed on international laws, policies, and standards of data protection and data security, policy alone is not enough. This training pack recognizes the need to practice responsible data management (RDM), and in many cases, change our organizational culture, individual attitudes, and behavior as to how we handle data.

Online Training: Communication is Aid

This free online learning course aims to raise awareness about the key components of effective communication with crisis-affected communities, and to build knowledge and skills on how to communicate in practice.

Podcast: How (and Why) is USAID Learning?

This USAID Learning Lab podcast focuses on the learning component of Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting (CLA) at the project and organizational levels.

Podcast: Adapting for Better Development Results

This podcast focuses on the adaptation component of CLA at the project and organizational levels. The first segment of the episode follows a program focused on the capacity building of local staff. The second segment focused on how processes and ensuring feedback loops can facilitate adaptation. The final segment follows a resilience project in the Sahel that intentionally planned adaptive activities from the outset of the project

Podcast: From the Inside Out, A New Podcast Series from USAID Learning Lab

The USAID Learning Lab is taking the conversation on CLA further with a new podcast series — From the Inside Out: Achieving Better Development Outcomes through Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting. This series is designed to empower staff and partners with evidence, resources, and tips to help practitioners build upon their CLA savviness and incorporate good CLA practice into their work.

Podcast: Constructive Deconstruction: Future Humanitarian Action

“Constructive deconstruction: future humanitarian action” is a podcast series exploring ODI’s Humanitarian Policy Group’s two years of research on re-imagining the humanitarian system, using design thinking to look at the humanitarian system through the perspective of the end-user.

Protection Strategy Webinar Series

Throughout May and June 2015, the InterAction Results-Based Protection Program carried out several interviews, hosted an online discussion forum, and held a series of webinars with guest speakers on the development of protection strategies across different contexts.
