To support those using the GBV PEF, InterAction is providing several opportunities to access technical support. This includes a workshop series on outcome-oriented methodologies within the GBV PEF, hosting a Community of Practice for those using it, and documenting and sharing emerging good practice and learning arising from the piloting phase (2022-2024).
Anyone can use, or pilot, the GBV PEF–we invite you to join the movement!!
Not sure where to begin? While the framework is a series of 4 independent modules, there is a benefit to initially reading and understanding the framework in its entirety. For example, the relationship between strong project design and good monitoring and evaluation cannot be over-stated; a well-constructed Theory of Change (covered in Module 2) will support a well-designed set of monitoring indicators (covered in Module 3). After you are familiar with all the modules, you can assess what would make most sense for your organization and program/project given available resources and interest.
The modular design allows you to start where you are and integrate whichever pieces of the GBV PEF will help you better analyze, design, and measure programming so you can ultimately evaluate whether GBV was prevented. As you’re getting familiar with the GBV PEF, explore the following opportunities for support.

InterAction launched a Community of Practice (CoP) in February 2022 for those using, or planning to use, the GBV PEF. The CoP serves as an informal and safe space for CoP members to connect with other practitioners using the GBV PEF across diverse contexts and to learn from each other’s expertise and experiences. The CoP allows members to raise questions about the methodologies and tools in the GBV PEF; share challenges they are grappling with and how they are overcoming those challenges; highlight successes; identify opportunities for collaboration with others; and access support and resources from InterAction and fellow CoP members.
The CoP consists of practitioners who are piloting the GBV PEF—program and M&E staff. Additionally, those who plan to pilot the GBV PEF in the coming 12 months can also join.
- The CoP has two primary modes of engagement:
1.) An online forum open to anyone who is actively piloting the GBV PEF or with plans to pilot it in the coming 12 months.
2.) Regular calls for those who are actively piloting the GBV PEF.
In the initial months of piloting, some of the topics CoP members may want to discuss include: 1) Challenges they are facing in the effort to do detailed and context-specific analysis of GBV risks (or other types of protection risks); 2) Experiences in using a simple Theory of Change as a basis for program/intervention design; 3) Working through some of the methodologies in the GBV PEF; 4) Developing appropriate proxy indicators and learning to work with global indicators that certain donors require; 5) Contextualizing all three elements of the risk equation to a given context; 6) and/or other topics relevant to their piloting experience.
We expect CoP members to glean several benefits by participating in this group, including the rare opportunity to be a part of a new, emerging practice that aims to shift how humanitarians achieve GBV prevention outcomes. Being a part of this movement from the beginning should prove exciting! Another important benefit is continuous access to resources and other practitioners with varying expertise who are working to prevent GBV across diverse contexts. InterAction will also provide technical guidance to CoP members and will bring in additional experts as needed that know how to use the outcome-oriented approaches introduced with the GBV PEF (dependent on funding).
- Access the application form here – English, French, Spanish, and Arabic.
- You can read the full Terms of Reference for the CoP here – English, French, Spanish, and Arabic.
- It is important that those who join the CoP are aware of the norms for engagement here – in English, French, Spanish, and Arabic.

InterAction is facilitating a workshop series on enhancing the ability to achieve GBV prevention and protection outcomes. Each workshop will dive deeper into one of the methodologies within the GBV PEF. The first workshops on the Outcome Harvesting Methodology were held in December 2021 and January 2022. This workshop introduced and built the capacity of participants in this new outcome-oriented method aimed at measuring GBV and protection outcomes. Another workshop was held on Proxy Indicators in March 2022. Recordings of the workshops are below.
Additional workshops on other outcome-oriented methods are planned in 2022.
InterAction is working with the Advisory Committee for the GBV PEF to set a learning agenda and will track lessons learned, successes, and other learning. Much of this is expected to come from the Community of Practice and others who use the GBV PEF and share their experiences with us. Information gained will be used by InterAction and the Advisory Committee to revise the framework over time.
InterAction will also work directly with individual actors piloting the GBV PEF to document their experience in using the framework. Documented case examples of the GBV PEF and related materials will be disseminated (including in languages other than English where funding allows) to interested stakeholders during the course of the project and will be added to InterAction’s growing collection of case examples which is freely accessible by any interested actor.
Learning can also be used by InterAction and others to inform engagement with global inter-agency fora such as the Global Protection Cluster and the Gender-Based Violence Area of Responsibility, the Call to Action on Protection from Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies, and other initiatives.
To inquire about other ways InterAction could support you in using the GBV PEF, contact Jessica Lenz, Senior Technical Advisor for Protection at