The Cash Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning Organizational Network (CAMEALEON) carried out an analysis of the MPC program to assess how it impacted protection outcomes.
WeWorld-GVC is an international NGO that drives and implements a Community Protection Approach (CPA) to protection that embraces all three RBP Key Elements. The CPA, awarded “First Place” in InterAction’s 2020 Results-Based Protection Good Practice Contest.
The UNFPA Regional Syria Hub and the Whole of Syria GBV Are of Responsibility (AoR) set out to devise an assessment methodology to obtain GBV data to inform the Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) and the Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP).
This cheat sheet is intended to serve as a reference guide for key terms and concepts frequently used when talking about results-based approaches to protection (RBP).
In 2011, the IASC Principals agreed to five Commitments on Accountability to Affected Populations (CAAP) as part of a framework for engagement with communities. The revised version was developed and endorsed by the IASC Principals in November 2017 to reflect essential developments such as the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS), the work done by the IASC on inter-agency community-based complaints mechanisms including PSEA, and the importance of meaningful collaboration with local stakeholders, which came out as a priority recommendation from the 2016 World Humanitarian Summit and in the Grand Bargain.
What does it mean to do a historical, Cultural, and Contextual analysis to understand the threat, vulnerability, and capacity? InterAction aims to respond to this question noting why it is necessary and how it can be done.
In this short video, leadership expert Simon Sinek talks about how an organizational culture supportive of outcomes and built on strong relationships is achieved through consistency, not intensity.
To better understand the lack of accountability within the humanitarian system, the Humanitarian Policy Group (HPG) at the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) published a report titled ‘Collective Approaches to Communication and Community Engagement: Models, Challenges and Ways forward.’
Following its webinar last year on Adaptability and Flexibility within the humanitarian system, ALNAP released a report titled Shifting Mindsets: Creating a More Flexible Humanitarian Response. The report, broken into five sections, attempts to address the struggle that humanitarian agencies have grappled with when it comes to adapting context, changing the type and quantity of support at the right time, or responding quickly and appropriately to unexpected crises or challenges.