Results-Based Protection (RBP) is a problem-solving approach to address the complex and ever-changing environment that surrounds protection issues in humanitarian action. It emphasizes starting from the perspective of the affected community while encouraging learning and adapting, investing in relationships, and strategic collaboration to achieve protection outcomes. In RBP, protection outcomes are defined as “reduction in risk.” In other words, a reduction in violence, coercion, and deliberate deprivation that people face in crises. RBP proactively reduces protection risks rather than addressing them as they emerge.
Our Story
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InterAction supports the adoption of RBP through targeted field-level support to NGOs in humanitarian responses. The specific approach to each country context is refined in consultation with in-country NGOs, in-country NGO consortia, and in consultation with RBP Hub members. The RBP Hub consists of senior NGO protection specialists and managers. Support is extended through in-person field missions, remote engagement, and by mobilizing expertise as needed.
Learn MoreIn 2019, with Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) support, InterAction launched a project to develop a results-based evalaution framework for the prevention of GBV (GBV PEF). The GBV PEF is a set of guiding approaches that help practitioners make better decisions in their analysis, program design, and measurement. It allows GBV prevention outcomes to ultimately be evaluated.
Learn MoreInterAction works to accelerate action among influential actors in the humanitarian system. It works with the RBP Hub, donor governments, and IASC bodies, including RG1 Centrality of Protection Sub-working Group, the Global Protection Cluster Strategic Advisory Group, the ProCap Advisory Committee, and the Advisory Committee of the Professional Standards for Protection. By working with influential humanitarian actors, InterAction seeks to foster learning and to inform decision makers involved in driving institutional and inter-agency policy and practice.
LEARN MOREInterAction curates an online resource library, which includes new publications and events that support and/or promote the use of results-based approaches to protection. It also produces a regular RBP Digest which provides a space to share new reports, methods, tools, and events that support and/or promote the use of results-based approaches. Finally, in an engaging manner, InterAction produces case examples which illustrate how results-based approaches support protection outcomes in practice.
InterAction expects that, over time, a results-based approach to protection will support a fundamental shift in how interventions to enhance protection are assessed and designed and how their theories of change are articulated, implemented, and monitored. The key elements of a results-based approach to protection support evidence-informed methods for prevention and response. But they also provide a basis for informing policy decisions toward the protection concerns faced in a given crisis. A stronger evidence base will support complementarity among actors and multi-sectoral programming, so protection is likely to figure more centrally in inter-agency humanitarian strategies.