To shed light on establishing effective two-way communication between humanitarian actors and affected people, Translators without Borders (TWB) produced a three-part report in September 2019 titled, “Misunderstanding + misinformation = mistrust: How language barriers reduce access to humanitarian services, reduce the quality of those services and aggravate social exclusion for Rohingya communities,” exploring the role of language in humanitarian access and community relations in Cox’s Bazaar and Sittwe.
In September 2019, the Collective Impact Forum (FSG), in partnership with New Profit, held a 60-minute webinar discussion on Examining Power Dynamics in Systems Change to interrogate Power Dynamics and the unique role it plays within the framework of systems change.
Having identified that little robust evidence exists related to programmatic
outcomes and impacts of CFS in humanitarian emergencies, a team of
researchers from Columbia University and practitioners from World Vision,
in collaboration with Save the Children, UNICEF, and other members of the
UN GPC Child Protection Working Group, sought to contribute to this
evidence base the first robust estimate of the general impact of CFS as a
humanitarian intervention
InterAction is leading an effort to develop a “Results-Based Evaluation Framework for SGBV Prevention in Humanitarian Crises” in order to track SGBV prevention and demonstrate outcomes in the form of measurably reduced risk. It is expected that such a framework will be practical enough for field-level use across crisis contexts where a diversity of SGBV risks are experienced by diverse population groups.