South Sudan

The Logic of Protection Approaches: Four Models to Safeguard Civilians from Harm

In June 2022, the Global Public Policy Institute published a report, “The Logic of Protection Approaches: Four Models to Safeguard Civilians from Harm,” which examined the treatment of civilians by armed actors. The report provides four protection-based approaches to influence how armed actors interact with civilians and the community. Each section is broken down to explain the logic behind the approach, the impact it can have on the armed actors’ behaviors, and how the approach can backfire. The four approaches discussed are (1) “naming and shaming” armed actors (2) mobilizing influencers (3) capacitating communities and (4) training armed actors.

Preparing the ground for better dialogue, better information, better action: learning from preparedness

his report distills the good practice and learning gleaned from the 3-years of implementation in Bangladesh, South Sudan, and the Philippines, on methods for engaging communities and collaborative platforms for working toward this end.

Protection Strategy Webinar Series

Throughout May and June 2015, the InterAction Results-Based Protection Program carried out several interviews, hosted an online discussion forum, and held a series of webinars with guest speakers on the development of protection strategies across different contexts.

Partnerships and Principles in Conflict Context

On June 2nd 2021, the International Association of Professionals in Humanitarian Assistance and Protection (PHAP) organized a launch event of the report titled Towards Principled Humanitarian Action in Conflict Contexts – Understanding the Role of Partnerships: Voices from Nigeria and South Sudan.
