While the session did not focus specifically on protection, the panelists underscored some important elements for results-based protection.
- Better analysis and coherent articulation of needs, coverage, and gaps across the whole system – donors will put money where a coherent gap and response is proposed. With the current system, donors expressed dissatisfaction at the presentation of coherent and collective analysis and strategic responses.
- Strategic, needs-based prioritization – In the current state of the world it is recognized that appeals are unlikely to be fully funded. With that in mind, donors struggle with appeals where everything is conveyed as equal priority. They recognize the challenges of prioritization but highlighted the efforts made at the field level in Iraq and the tough decisions that were made as a useful guide for donors to make decisions on where to spend their money.
- Engaging with affected populations from the start. Ensuring that affected populations are not only involved in feedback processes during implementation, but meaningfully engaged in the processes of analysis, strategic planning, and program design.
- Flexible and adaptable programming – particularly as it relates to better adapting programming based on feedback from affected populations
- Identifying the contributions of different actors, particularly from the development realm, where collective initiatives and common interests can address protection outcomes. For this to be successful, however, diverse actors must buy-in and share ownership of a collective analysis and strategy.
- Commitment to the Centrality of Protection including among senior leadership of donors and humanitarians